
Rosetta Elkin Awarded 2012- 2013 Daniel Urban Kiley Fellowship

Rosetta Elkin, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, is the recipient of the Daniel Urban Kiley Teaching Fellowship in Landscape Architecture for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Fellowship is awarded competitively on an annual basis, and is intended to recognize and foster emerging design educators whose work embodies the potentials for landscape as a medium of design in the public realm. A jury comprised of leading figures from the Harvard GSD faculty including the incumbent Kiley Fellow took part in the selection process. The Daniel Urban Kiley Fellowship builds upon the GSD’s history of pedagogic innovation as well as the Department of Landscape Architecture’s century of leadership in landscape education. 
Rosetta Sarah Elkin is a landscape architect based in the Netherlands. Her firm, RSE-Landscape was founded in 2007, and operates internationally as a design consultancy focused on urbanism and landscape. Rosetta’s work has a strong focus on research, using vegetative and ecological solutions to solve complex urban and rural issues. This research is funded in part by the Fonds BKVB and has been published in Conditions Magazine (NOR) and International New Landscape (PRC). Rosetta completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts with honors at Concordia University, Montreal. She earned her MLA at University of Toronto, receiving several awards including the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and the Heather M. Reisman medal for outstanding thesis, the first time this honor was awarded to a landscape project.