New Towns and Affordable Housing Development in Africa

This course is a research seminar delving into new town development and affordable housing production in Africa.  The course provides an overview of new town development around the world with a focus on emerging markets and Africa in particular.  A concurrent theme will be case studies of production housing and self-built housing delivered to the lower end of the price spectrum.   This course is a research seminar that will meet once a week.  Students will engage in research throughout the term on topics of their own choosing.  The topics may range from new town investigations in different African countries to production housing techniques, social and economic housing issues or self-built housing that is currently the dominant method of delivery for the great majority of the population.  While particular attention will be given to Tanzania and Kenya as well as Nigeria and South Africa, students may select any country in Africa for their research focus.  Topics including construction techniques, new technologies, house and apartment design, organization of construction and development firms, financing alternatives, regulation, political hurdles, citizen engagement are all encouraged.  While the course will not include any in-person site visits, there will be conversations and interviews with many key players in Africa including government ministers, scholars, developers, investors, contractors, and others who are active in various countries.  Students will submit a final report on their research and will present their conclusions at the end of the term to a jury and their peers.


Up to six seats will be held for MDes students.


This course will be taught online through Friday, February 4th.