
Video animation by Chris Bennett (MDes ’15) featured in Atlantic’s CityLab

Chris Bennett’s (MDes ’15) video animation on the extended urbanization of the atmosphere was featured in The Atlantic‘s CityLab newsletter. 

This work was produced in the context of the Urban Theory Lab‘s Spring 2014 research seminar, “Extreme Territories of Urbanization,” taught by Neil Brenner, and in conjunction with Robert Pietrusko’s course, “Geographical Representation and Speculation.”

Bennett’s video depicts the ways in which the occupation of the earth’s atmosphere has involved the construction of highly elaborate, spatially concentrated terrestrial infrastructures to facilitate satellite launches. With a stunning series of data visualizations, the video reveals the changing historical geographies of launch site activity during the last four decades in relation to each key orbital zone.

Read “A Visual History of Satellites.” 

Image: courtesy Chris Bennett